9 Butenja water source before
Drilling in Mubende
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    Water Solutions for Africa

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There is a water crisis for hundreds of millions of people, many living in Sub-Saharan Africa. Let me introduce you to Grace* who lives in western Uganda. As the world economy progresses and grows, life stays the same for her. Grace spends long, hot, arid days with the same monotonous task of walking to a water hole, filling dirty yellow cans with the water needed for her family–Mama, Papa, and 5 younger siblings–then trudging the mile and a half uphill, back home. All of this effort procures dirty, green, microbe-infested water which they will cook with, drink from and wash with. It takes Grace hours to perform her chore each morning and afternoon, making school attendance sporadic at best, and often non-existent. Sometimes she is so sick from the water that she is unable to get out of bed in the morning. Grace longs to be a doctor or a teacher and help her family and tribe, but without health and without learning, she has no hope for her future.

To see more about the problem and the solution, click here:

Video – What difference does a borehole make?

Yet, there is a solution. With a new borehole providing fresh, clean water close to the village and new standards of cleanliness accompanied by new ways of completing daily tasks, Grace can have a hope and a future. All she needs is your help to provide the water–she and her family can do the rest.

To look at more villages, click here:

*Grace is a fictional name but the situation is all too real.

To donate now, click on the button below which will take you to a secure payment page via PayPal:

Water Solutions for Africa is owned and operated by CEED, a 501(c)3. To find out more about CEED, visit our website here.

To contact our office: phone: 412.889.6642; email:

Water: Economic Growth. Community Hope.